Meeting of the OECD’s farm level analysis network (FLAN)

October 27, 2021

Meeting of the OECD’s farm level analysis network (FLAN)

Created in 2008 under the auspices of the OECD, the Farm-Level Analysis Network (FLAN) is a collaborative network of experts from government-related institutions and agricultural research institutes involved in the collection and analysis of micro farm-level data. Membership is voluntary and arepresentative coverage of OECD countries is sought. The OECD acts as convenor and contact between network members and delegates to OECD meetings. Responding to demands to improve policy decision making, the common goal of the members of the network is improving the quality and relevance of agricultural policy analysis using micro-level data. To achieve this goal, the network shares practical applications and contributes to identify issues of interest in the programme of work of the OECD Committee for Agriculture. The network provides consistent micro-level analysis across countries, identifies policy and methodological challenges and solutions including data sources and innovative approaches, and promotescooperative efforts to undertake and finance analyses that respond to members’ demands.

Joint session of the OECD Networks on Total Factor Productivity and the Environment (TFPEN) and Farm Level Analysis (FLAN)

The purpose of this meeting is to have an open discussion building bridges between the work in the two networks and the OECD: work on aggregate measurement of total factor productivity and its extension to include environmental inputs and outputs; the work on micro data and analysis at farm level; and the ongoing work of the OECD to build composite indicators of sustainable productivity growth. The focus of the discussion will be on the following questions:

• Lessons learned: Has agricultural productivity grown in the last two decades? More or less than in the past? Which are the main drivers? Has productivity grown at the expense of higher environmental pressures?

• Methods: Are we in a position to calculate environmentally adjusted TFP (EATFP) for OECD countries over the last two decades? How do the methods to calculate productivity and sustainability outcomes differs at farm and country level? How are they connected? How the data sources differ or are the same? Are composite indicators linking productivity and sustainability outcomes a complementary way forward?

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